Saturday, October 24, 2009

Scripture of the day: D&C 51: 20

 D&C 51:20

"Verily, I say unto you, I am Jesus Christ, who cometh quickly, in an hour you think not. Even so. Amen."

[This to me is a scripture that says a lot in a very few words. It doesn't seem like much, but when I sat there and thought about it for a moment, it kinda hit me how huge of a statement this was. In D&C. the sections often talk about how Christ will come quickly, that we know not when that will be. But in this one it brings up a very great, and for me, nerve-racking point: He could show up at any time. As in, 5 minutes from now or 500 years! Everyone always hears Second Coming and thinks years into the future, but for all we know, it could be just hours away from happening. I mean, look at what's been going on in the world lately. Since July, we have had a great amount of natural disasters occur overseas. And how often they happen is increasing each week! It's amazing to me how soon He really is coming. And how unprepared we are. Just thought I'd share that with all of you, and to remind you all that we must be ready. We have no idea who soon He'll really be here.]

Nikki's Pick:

Ether 12:4

"Wherefore, whose believeth in God might with a surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh and anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."

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