Tale of a Summer Love Lost
Asleep in a meadow, the sun’s rays timidly peak over the hillside. The gentle light hitting my cheek. I can feel their warmth, it wakes up my skin, putting a smile on my face. I sit up, surrounded by tall overgrown green grass. The sun lighting the drops of dew hanging off each blade, like little orbs of light, twinkling in the early morning.
Stretching, I look around, breathing in deeply, tasting the crisp cool air. Exhaling, I see my breath. I’m reminded that it’s cold outside. I begin to turn to my side, reaching over to touch your rugged bristled cheek; I love when you don’t shave.
As I reach for where you are, I realize you aren’t laying there anymore. The grass, bent and flattened from where you slept, no longer holds your warmth. You’ve been gone for quite some time. How did I not feel you leave? I didn’t even notice. A sense of loneliness washes over me. An aching, longing, empty feeling fills my soul.
Running through the field, I frantically search for you. Where did you go? Calling out your name a hundred times at least; a sense of urgency in my voice; you aren’t anywhere in site. I can’t find you anywhere.
You’re gone. Really gone.
Sinking to my knees I start to sob. Crying like a small child who can’t find his mother. I wrap my arms around my legs, rocking back and forth on the wet grass as I cry. A fair amount of time passes. I cry until no more tears will come, I have not a drop left. I realize I’m shaking.
Wiping the remaining tears that are still fresh on my cheek, I dust myself off; slowly pulling myself off the ground. Crying isn’t going to bring you back. I need to find you. Something must have happened. You wouldn’t just abandon me, right? No, no of course not! How could I even think? Even consider that a possibility?
Gathering up all of my belongings from where we’d slept, I grab your sweater, pulling it close to my face. I take a deep breath in. My head starts to spin, your smell is so intoxicating to me, my sweet drug. It smells of laundry detergent, your cologne, and summer rain. Never have I ever smelled a sweeter smell! It’s almost like you’re still here. It brings me back to the night before.
We were dancing in the lit pavilion, the lights hanging from it were like happy little fireflies wanting to dance along with us in the chill midnight air. There was no music, so we made our own. You were humming the song you’d written for me so long ago. You knew it was my favorite. I was singing the words, no louder than a whisper. You kissed my forehead. I grew tired of dancing, we decided to go exploring.
Running through a field of dandelions grown old, we pick up a handful of them, make a wish, and send them with the wind,. I wished for you. We come to the top of a hill. There is a beautiful deserted beach down below. It’s breathtaking.

Grabbing my hand, you start down the hill. When we get to the bottom, we rip off our shoes. Cold dry sand getting between my toes. We run towards the water, picking up rocks and throwing them, trying to see how far we can get them to skip. I lose my bearings, slipping on a rock. I’m completely soaked and my knee is bleeding a little. The salty water makes it sting sharply.
Picking me up, you call me a klutz with a big boyish grin on your face. You kiss me ever so gently, making the pain from falling subside, if even for just a moment. You look deeply, longing, into my eyes. My heart stars to race. You place thumb and forefinger on my chin, pulling me closer to you. We are mere inches from each other’s faces. You open your mouth and begin to whisper “I luh…TAG! YOU’RE IT!” You dart down the beach, heading back towards the hill with the field of dandelions. I let my feet stay sunk in the sand for just a moment longer, before I start chasing after you. I grab my shoes along the way, and quickly fall into step behind you. Our bodies in sync, running at the same pace. The hill is steep, a lot more so than I had anticipated. When you reach the top, you bend over, hands on your knees, breathing heavily, panting hard, trying to catch your breath. I come up from behind and tackle you to the ground. We roll around in the grass, laughing, barely able to breathe. We come to a stop trying to catch our breath amongst a fit of laughter. My lungs are on fire, yearning for my oxygen. I lay my head on your chest feeling the rhythm of your heartbeat, the loud thumping, beginning to slow down and growing more quiet and steady. You reach for my hand, squeezing it tightly. I squeeze back.
My eyes snap open, and I sit up, I’m suddenly back in reality. Tears are streaming down my cheeks, I wonder when I started crying again. I look around, and remember you aren’t here. That sharp piercing pain from before hits me like a punch in the stomach. I feel so alone without you. Where did you go? Why did you leave me? You promised you were here to stay…
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