Thursday, May 6, 2010

Last Week at UB

So for the past month I've spent almost every single day at the UB South Campus with Megan. I've made quite a few friends there. This weekend was great as I spent most of it there. We played mario kart, halo 3, watched movies, sat in a circle and sang songs from the movie Hercules, Rent, Wicked, etc. It was awesome. It's sad though, because a lot of them I may quite possibly never see again. Some are moving to houses off campus, some are leaving the country to study abroad, and some just wont be on the same floor again. I'm definitely trying to enjoy it while it lasts though. I've gotten some good quality super smash brothers time in the last couple days with Terris, Danny, Jason and John, went and laid in the grass out underneath a tree at the golf course with Danny across from UB, played cards with Steph, Pete, Christian, and Terris, and tonight I'm hoping we can get a game night in after helping Danny clean his room as a way of saying goodbye before everyone leaves tomorrow.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of the new found freetime I'll have over the summer since I won't be able to go to UB anymore, and they will all be away for the summer. I'm thinking I might take a road trip to Utah and to San Diego as I'll have some time off in July when my boss and her kids will be away. I also bought myself a piano keyboard as a birthday present to myself, so I can start learning how to play piano. I've been wanting to learn for years. I'm also considering applying for classes at ECC just to be doing something with my spare time next fall. But that also means I'd be guaranteed stuck in New York until this coming December. Gosh that's a long time! And I don't wanna be here THAT long. I might die! haha. I definitely want to do a camping trip this summer though. I'm gonna need some serious outdoors time to keep my sanity in check. It's finding people who can go with me that's the problem.

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